Monday, September 19, 2011

“Another day, another trip to the children’s hospital”

So what is it like to see your own injury/sickness plagued childhood relived through your own kid???  Let me tell you, it’s never boring that’s for sure.  Also makes me realize I should probably tell my mom "thank you" for all she put up with from me growing up and pray that the cycle ends in the near future.  So what am I getting at?  Follow me…

This weekend was our annual party, The Back Yard Bash, at my mom’s place next door.  Good party as usual, my step-dad Arn sure puts on a heck of a bon-fire.

"The Tiki Bar"  aka: bonfire kindling
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!

Who brought the marshmallows?
Claire & Mama dancing in front of the band
All in all it was a fun night, no real drama, and nobody got hurt…  Or so we thought. 

//Flash forward to Sunday morning

We all slept in (thank you girls!), and thankfully neither Mama or I were hangin at all.  Tired for sure, but feeling pretty good.  But when Heather went to get Claire out of bed, when she got down she screamed in pain when trying to walk.  Something was the matter with her left foot/ankle/heel.  We gave her some Motrin & then Tylenol, but nothing took the pain away and she had to be carried everywhere through the house that morning.  After 3 hours of not getting better, we called the doc and they sent us down for x-rays.  Now don’t get me wrong, the Helen Devos Children’s Hospital downtown is a really nice place, but if your phone automatically connects to their wifi, it means you’ve been there too many times!  So we wait for a room to open up for us to be seen.  While waiting, we meet some really nice people, and some really (we’ll call them “interesting”) people too.  My favorite was the drunk father of 3 puking in the bathroom.  Ah, such a wonderful feeling deep inside watching a father setting such sterling examples for his loving children…

Anyway, we go through hours of waiting, then x-rays, then getting a room, then waiting, seeing the doctor, more waiting.  I think you get the point.  After all is said and done, there’s no evidence of any broken bones, she’s just got a sprain.  So they wrap her ankle (thank you doc, at least we feel like we got something out of the visit) and some peace of mind, and are on our way home.  After her nap, Claire woke up feeling better, and crawled around for a bit.  By evening she was doing much better, and started to hobble around.  By bed time, good grief it was as if the girl had springs in her legs again!  Matter of fact, I overheard from the bathroom from Claire “I’m so happy I can stand.  I’m so happy I can play with this [had taken the ace bandage off her foot]” I guess when you’re 2 the little things satisfy.  Good to be back to our reality J.


  1. I am so glad to hear your update. The party looks awesome!

  2. You burned down a tiki bar and used it as a bon fire? That is awesome on so many levels!

    We too are frequent shoppers at our local Children's Hospital. Always a "fun" way to spend an entire day. Glad she's ok!
